Archer is an Approved Essential Supplier by the MBIE, supplying essential Medical and Healthcare Products to all Aged Care facilities, Medical Centres, Hospitals and Healthcare Centres.
We are here to support and supply health organisations through this time of crisis. For the past 20 years Archer has been servicing the Healthcare and Aged care industry with specialised furniture and equipment supplies, and we want to reassure you that we are taking every step to support and keep everyone as safe as possible. The health and safety of our employees and clients has always been and remains a top priority.
Our Supply Chain
While there is a lot of concern and anxiety in the marketplace, we want to reassure all our clients that as local New Zealand manufacturers we can continue to offer you sustainable and reliable supply of furniture during this time of crisis.
Although we do import some of our designs, fortunately the majority of these come out of Europe. We continue to work closely with our suppliers to ensure to identify any issues before they arise.
If you are experiencing difficulty sourcing furniture for your facility, please feel free to contact us and we can assist you with great designs, short lead-times and superior quality products.
Archer’s is a 3rd generation family owned business with proven manufacturing methods and local skills.
Archer responds
We are listening to our clients and responding to help overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic. Products we are supplying:
Folding Beds
Face Masks
Alcohol Hand Wipes
Examination Gloves
Hand Sanitiser
As well as furniture that is easy to clean and very functional in many spaces.
Our team are working remotely and fully accessible on usual email and phone numbers. We would love to hear from you!